Tingsryd Resort/Camping

It gives us great pleasure to warmly welcome you to our well-kept and friendly family camping, beautifully situated on the shore of Lake Tiken.

Tingsryds Camping is a four star camping site of a very high standard. It has got 170 large camping sites, many with lake views and cable TV. There are 15 camping cabins available as well as two new-built self-catering cottages that are open all year round.

Four star camping of a very high standard. 170 camping places with electric supply, many with cable TV and lake view.

Pets are allowed.

Tingsryd Resort/Camping


Address: Tingsryd Resort AB, 362 91 Tingsryd

Phone: +46(0) 477 - 105 54

Email: info@tingsrydresort.se


