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The stone bridge at Blidingsholm has anthem from the Middle Ages, when there was a damn place over Mörrumsån...
When Bengt Johansson bought Brotorpet in 1906, he discovered that his representative had sold the farm's...
A museum located in the woods. The ground is covered with moss. Walls of majestic trees that rise up...
Elin Wägner fouded this saying ” Evening Community by Ekefors” .In her book: ”Thousand years in...
Klasa Gubbe has a story in which two islands are connected in Urshult. Lake Åsnen and lake Mien. Klasa...
Water well that was discovered and analyzed in the spring of 1891. There are one or two stories about...
Arlakon is one of Sweden's best-known brands and is referred to in the advertising as "Sweden's most...
1634 was the year Ålshult Iron furnace opened up. A Dutch couple, named van Gent, started the business...
Predikstolen (The Pulpit) in Trehörna is a phantastic shaped stone. The myth tells that Saint Sigfied...
Just south of the stone bridge in in Blidingsholm there are three railway bridges which are constructed...
The slingstone at Knallehall lies and rocks a little on its flat rock and reminds us of the time when...
This beautiful stone bridge was built during the 1870´s by bridgebuilder Persson from Stenslanda in...
The church monument in Bosgård is a splendid and magnificent stone monument that marks the first church...
Parish hall located next to the chuch at the western entrance in Urshult
Väderkvarnen (The Windmill) in Segersnäs is the only wind mill standing at it’s original place in...